Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome Back..My Ego

Got on a plane this morning headed to Florida to start on my adventure of Budokon Teacher Training.  Its been years since I was on a plane.. and anxiety set in 10 seconds after we took off.. all mind of matter, and i settled myself down.  I forgot how much I love Jet Blue.. such a great airline.
Upon arriving in Florida, I hopped on a shuttle and headed to Miami Beach, to stay at the residence of Kancho Cameron Shayne.  The creator of Budokon Yoga.  There are about 5 of us staying at his home.. and everyone is great.  Its nice to be in the presence of like minded people.. these people are real... and all come from different backgrounds.. some are martial arts teachers, some are yoga people.. and its great conversation.

At 6pm, Kancho informed us that our first assignment was to take a class at already?  I was STARVING.. luckily we are down the road from the Lincoln Street Mall.. and i got some very yummy pizza...
Then I head to class..
Its WARM in the studio... alright.. it was HOT in the studio.. and I hate hot... here we go!  After 15 minutes of insanely intense Budokon moves.. my ego starts to rear its ugly head... "Why can't my back act like everyone elses back".."why are my arms so damn long making some movements impossibly complicated".. "why won't my breathing settle down.. oh yea.. I have asthma"..
All these thoughts running through my mind as everyone else seemed to move seamlessly through this Budokon flow... as my arms and legs started shaking from the second  I stepped into my first Downward Dog..
The 90 minute class was grueling for my body, my back, my ankle and my breathing.. and as I left to take a shower, I felt defeated.  Like I am over my head here... and yet.. I wont back down.
I got back to Kancho's residence before everyone else and he asked how class was.. and I told him.. my Ego got in the way.. luckily he talked me out of my mood and said he would keep an eye on me tomorrow to help with some modifications that will suit my body better.. which gives me hope.
The Sensei who taught the class kept repeating  a mantra through out class that has opened my eyes a bit.. he said "The way you do Anything, is the way you do Everything.."
Wow.. I have a lot of work to do.

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