Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year, A New You...Really?

I figured that New Year's day would be the most appropriate day to start blogging..even though I have tried to do this at least 100 times before.
I got up early this morning to teach my Saturday Morning class at one of the larger local gyms in the county,  expecting just a few die hard yogi's to show up.  I was pleasantly surprised when there were at least 7..7 people looking for a yoga class to start their new year off right.. talk about PRESSURE!  And just like last new years day, I was tired and non-motivated to do anything other than sleep.  At this gym facility, they had posters and pictures about new years resolutions, creating a new your for the new year, personal traning for your resolutions..and it made me think.. does this marketing tactic really work?
Most people I know went out last night to celebrate new years with a few (or maybe a lot more than a few) alcoholic beverages... most people were still sleeping as I was teaching my class.. MOST people are still eating left overs from Christmas... are people really that focused on the person featured in these postures with the 6 pack abs and chiseled arms? I am certainly not.. my goal is to help individuals create more realistic goals and to become comfortable in their own skin. I think that is a hard enough task!
But I digress..
My focus was on actually sitting down and creating this blog.. you see, I am a yoga instructor. But I dont consider my self ordinary in any way.  I have visions of grandeur.. that I intend to make reality.. only I lack the ability to actually do that.. This is my New Years Resolution.. to start actually DOING the things to make my visions and ideas come to life.  So, this blog is only phase 1 of this long long road of Stephanie Anne Sirico.. but one thing is for sure..

Always engage your core..

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